英國thebikefelix實測 Air Seat

Overall pretty happy with this product, it allows to add a suspension to any saddle and was very easy to install.

總體來說,我對Air Seat非常滿意,幾乎能適用所有座墊,很容易安裝。

A few things to consider though


– your weight obviously will greatly affect the suspension so make sure to get the right model


– your saddle, I’d recommend using it with hard saddle, if you have a soft saddle it might feel too spongy


– your style of riding, if you ride in the saddle a lot it will cushion very well the small bumps of the road

你的騎車方式,如果你是一直坐在座墊上,Air Seat會很好地緩衝路上的小顛簸

– your type of bike, I’d use this on aluminium or very stiff frames to maximise the suspension effect


– your tyres, if you already have big tyres in your bike they will already act as effective suspension, so I’d recommend this with skinnier tyres


This post is not sponsored, I’ve just asked the brand to test the product and they provided me the product but I have no obligation to say or endorse anything, this is just my own opinion 🙂

這篇文章不是贊助的,我只是要求Air Seat想測試產品,Air Seat便提供產品給我,但我沒有義務說或認可任何東西,這只是我自己的觀點:)